Wednesday, November 29, 2006


at least in some cases. I know you all are thinking it isn't mathmatically possible, but I promise you it is in this situation.

I have three students...let's call them A, B, and C. They like to disrupt class...frequently; however, according to their I.E.P.'s there isn't a whole lot I can do about them. So:


I emailed guidance with this issue and received an email back the other day. Student B is being moved to another section!! So:

A+(B-B)+C=good class(+)

Okay. This is precisely why I'm not a math teacher, but I tried to be witty. The gist of the story is, I'm excited to be breaking up this trio of nonsense, and I'm counting down the 17 days until I can actually teach again!!


Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

But if you remove B from the equation can't A + C still = trouble? And what if B was the voice of reason and held A and C back from causing even more trouble?

I should shut up now. ;)

(I deleted the last comment because I wasn't meant to be a mathematician, either! )

Unknown said...

Don't you just love IEPs that basically give a kid free reign to act up and do pretty much as they please? I always wonder what will happen to them when they get out in the real world. The last time I checked most businesses do not issue IEP nor do they have an ARD committee.

the anonymous teacher said...

Courtney, Student B is the ringleader. When he is gone, the class is manageable (I won't say it's good). I think separating them will be good for A & C, and I really hope it will keep B from being such a pain. I told the teacher whose class he's being moved into that if he causes too much trouble, just send him back. I'm at least used to it. We're hoping that without his two buddies he doesn't have the crowd to applaud his behavior like he does in my room.

guusjem, I believe in IEP's when they're necessary, but as you point out, there are kids who use them as an excuse. The IEP is not an excuse or a is simply designed to level the playing field. An IEP doesn't give a student the right to misbehave, but that's the way many people interpret it (especially students and parents), and like you, it ticks me off!! I really don't know what's going to happen to some of my kids when they get to the real world. But I worry about them.